SCKCSC Point Trophies
The Trophies are open to all SCKCS members resident in Scotland.
Criteria for the Trophies are below.
How to calculate your points won during each year for the four trophies
1st. - 4 points. 2nd. - 3 points. 3rd. - 2 points. res. - 1 points
This trophy was donated by our late Patron, Mrs Margaret Lyndesay Smith and her husband Rev. David Lyndesay Smith. It is awarded annually to the member's Cavalier gaining the highest number of points at all types of shows during the year. The points which can be claimed in any classes are as follows:
Ist place --4 points. 2nd ‑‑ 3 points. 3rd prize ‑‑ 2 points. Reserve ‑‑ 1 point
Borderland Trophy
Open to all Members, The Borderland Trophy was donated by our late Patron, Mrs Margaret Lyndesay Smith and her husband Mr David Lyndesay Smith. It is awarded annually to the Cavalier gaining the highest number of points at all types of shows during any one year.
1st Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget, JW,VW (176)
2nd Kelrick’s Conchellia Vivi Velvette by Kelrick (100)
3rd Slack’s Dalvreck in dreams for Eversbabes (48)
4th Slack’s Willowheart Louis (24)
Ch Mr Softie of Pantisa Trophy
Donated by Mr George and Mrs Morag Donaldson, The Ch Mr Softie of Pantisa Trophy is awarded annually to any Member residing in Scotland for points won by a BLENHEIM or TRICOLOUR during any one year.
1st Slack’s Dalvreck in dreams for Eversbabes (48)
2nd Slack’s Willowheart Louis (24)
Marisk Night Sprite Trophy
Donated by Mr James Finlay and his late Mother, Mrs Sheena Finlay. The Marisk Night Sprite Trophy is awarded annually to a Member resident in Scotland for points won by a BLACK/TAN or RUBY during any one year.
1st Fraser’s Lewis's Leonardo at Fraskye (21)
2nd Fraser’s Bracken Gold at Fraskye (13)
3rd Fraser’s Tingewood Tam O'Shanter (3)
Fenmist Trophy
Donated by the late Mr Charles and Mrs Joyce Smith, The Fenmist Trophy is awarded annually to a Member resident in Scotland for a PUPPY winning the most points in Puppy classes, including AV Toy Minor Puppy and AV Toy Puppy.
Not contested
Borderland Trophy
Open to all Members, The Borderland Trophy was donated by our late Patron, Mrs Margaret Lyndesay Smith and her husband Mr David Lyndesay Smith. It is awarded annually to the Cavalier gaining the highest number of points at all types of shows during any one year.
1st Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget, JW,VW (191)
2nd Kelrick’s Conchellia Vivi Velvette by Kelrick (100)
3rd McMurray’s Ch. Harana Jack Jones at Merryoth VW (83)
Ch Mr Softie of Pantisa Trophy
Donated by Mr George and Mrs Morag Donaldson, The Ch Mr Softie of Pantisa Trophy is awarded annually to any Member residing in Scotland for points won by a BLENHEIM or TRICOLOUR during any one year.
1st McMurray’s Ch. Harana Jack Jones at Merryoth VW (83)
Marisk Night Sprite Trophy
Donated by Mr James Finlay and his late Mother, Mrs Sheena Finlay. The Marisk Night Sprite Trophy is awarded annually to a Member resident in Scotland for points won by a BLACK/TAN or RUBY during any one year.
1st Fraser’s Lewis's Leonardo at Fraskye (26)
2nd Fraser’s Bracken Gold at Fraskye (18)
3rd Fraser’s Tingewood Tam O'Shanter (14)
4th Fraser’s Costara Ruadh at Lyncraeg (4)
Fenmist Trophy
Donated by the late Mr Charles and Mrs Joyce Smith, The Fenmist Trophy is awarded annually to a Member resident in Scotland for a PUPPY winning the most points in Puppy classes, including AV Toy Minor Puppy and AV Toy Puppy.
Not contested
Borderland Trophy
1st Mr & Mrs Slack’s Kinvaar Jumping Jack Flash at Eversbabes (237)
2nd Mr & Mrs Slack’s Willow Heart Louis (227)
3rd Ms K Kynaston’s Granasil Von Trap JW SH CM (129)
4th Ms K Kynaston Granasil Golden Nuget (16)
Mr Softie of Pantisa Trophy
1st Mr & Mrs Slack’s Kinvaar Jumping Jack Flash at Eversbabes (237)
2nd Mr & Mrs Slack’s Willow Heart Louis (227)
Marisk Night SpriteTrophy
1st Lisa Caldwell’s Kathysgirl Jaguar with Xety (27)
Fenmist Trophy
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